Santa Clarita Tree Service

(661) 338-5661



  • Can I get my tree cut down for free?

    Unwanted or rotting trees in your lawn or backyard can be cut down free of charge. All you have to do is look for individuals, companies or organizations that will be willing to do tree cutting without any cost to you.

  • How dangerous is cutting down trees?

    Falling is just one of the risk arborists face when they scale trees, supported by spurs, ropes and harnesses, chainsaw in hand. Workers also risk being electrocuted by power lines hiding in the brush, struck by limbs tumbling from an unsteady canopy or cutting themselves with their tools.

  • Does anyone cut trees down for free?

    Cut down the trees yourself. You can either use the wood in your own home or you can sell it. Using this method not only removes the trees for free, but actually pays you to do so. You can barter with someone if you need help, trading some of the wood for assistance cutting, splitting and hauling.

  • Why is tree work so expensive?

    Complexity. Trees being removed often need to be cut apart one section at a time to avoid dropping whole tree sections onto the property or into traffic. … Usually, specialized equipment is needed, such as aerial lifts or cranes to access the tree safely. This equipment is costly to acquire and maintain.

  • Will homeowners insurance cover dead tree removal?

    Home insurance generally does not cover removal of the tree unless it falls on a fence, garage or home and causes damage. … Check your home insurance policy or call your insurance agent for details. Typically, home insurance policies cover tree removal up to $1,000 per storm.

  • How do you kill a tree secretly?

    Drill several holes in roots under the soil and pore Tordon in it. Tordon is the best tree killer on the market. It’s what most arborists recommend for killing the hardiest trees.

  • How Dangerous Is Being an arborist?

    Arboriculture happens to be among the most dangerous legal jobs in America. Certain types of mining and timber harvesting are probably still more dangerous. Prostitution and drug dealing are also likely more dangerous, but not legal. The danger in arboriculture can not be understated.

  • Is tree work hard?

    Working in tree service is hard work. Requires alot of body strength and patience. You also have to be very careful because if youre not precise you can get hurt.

  • What do tree removal companies do with the wood?

    After they intake our logs, they will grade and sort them according to size, species and quality. They will then place these logs on a truck and take them to a lumber mill or chip mill and sell them for slightly more than they paid us. How much do we get paid from the wood yard for our logs?

  • When should you remove a dead tree?

    Vertical cracks, seams, dead branch stubs and large, older wounds suggest internal decay. Severe damage to the main trunk often warrants removal of the tree. If the damaged area is less than 25 percent of the circumference of the trunk, the wound could gradually heal over and no permanent injury should result.

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